Oatmeal a Day Keeps the Cravings Away

I used to really hate oatmeal because it looked like disgusting, pasty glop like this picture:

Pasty, gross oatmeal…yuk!

Some people like their oatmeal that way, but I don’t which was why I never really ate it.  I like my oatmeal watery – much like you’d eat cereal. Like this:

How I like my oatmeal

Anyways, as mentioned before, my trainer put me on a meal plan so that I can learn about proper nutrition, portion sizes, etc. One of the breakfasts she put on my plan was oatmeal.  Initially, I was surprised that she put that on there because she’d always get on my case about eating too many carbs and starch. However, I discovered that eating oatmeal is a great way to keep your cravings under control.

Some Oatmeal Facts

  • It has soluble and insoluble fiber. In a nutshell, oatmeal controls your cholesterol and helps you poop.
  • Low in calories, high in fiber and has protein. This is exactly the type of food you want to be eating; something that doesn’t have too many calories (less cals to burn with exercise!), has fiber (regular BMs), and protein (keeps you full).
  • It’s good for you. Oatmeal has lots of nutrients and minerals: thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, and iron.
  • Keeps you full. Because oatmeal is made up of whole grains, your belly stays full longer, which keeps you from snacking.

Things I Learned Eating Oatmeal (Semi) Daily

  • Portion matters. While oatmeal is great for you, it’s still has carbs so mind how much you eat.  I normally have 1/2 a cup of it which is exactly 1 shot glass of oats.
  • It kept me regular. As gross as it is to talk about, my BM stayed pretty regular; I’d poop 1-2x a day especially if I put some chia seeds in with my oatmeal.  Having regular BM along with staying hydrated  keeps you from feeling/looking bloated and really does make you feel a lot lighter, which in turn, allows you to be more mobile.
  • Less snacking. Because the whole grains kept me full, I didn’t feel like snacking so much, which in turn, helped me control my caloric intake. Even when I tried to switch it up by eating eggs for breakfast, I found myself wanting a large mid-morning snack which surprised me since eggs are protein, right?  The thing about eggs is that your body digests it faster (1-2 hours) so it makes sense why you might feel hungry after an egg-only breakfast.
  • Avoid oatmeal packets – make your own. Those flavored oatmeal packets have way too much sugar and sodium. Juts don’t do it…make your own at home.  Try these recipes for overnight oats and add a 1/2 banana for sweetness, berries for tartness, spices for a power punch, protein powder (I like the coconut almond Vega flavor) for extra protein, etc.  I’ll be sharing more recipes I’ve found on my Facebook Page.
  • I felt off nutritionally when I didn’t eat my breakfast oatmeal. I’d eat all sorts of snacks that I’ve been craving or just go off the healthy train when I didn’t have my morning oatmeal.  It was weird how that happens, but it’s true.

Making Plain Oatmeal Taste Yummy

  • Milk – experiment with almond, low fat, whole milk, coconut milk, cashew
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Dates
  • Craisins
  • Raisins
  • Chia Seeds
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Protein Powder
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Allspice
  • Nutmeg
  • Maple Syrup
  • Nut butters – almond, peanut

I still eat eggs and other typical breakfast foods (still a sucker for breakfast sausage!) when I’m on vacation or eat out, but do always try to get back on track with my oatmeal ritual.